jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017


VolleyBall Notes HERE

First Aids Notes HERE


1-) Describe the volleyball court:  The game is played on a volleyball court 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, divided into two 9 m × 9 m halves by a one-meter (40-inch) wide net placed so that the top of the net is 2.43 meters above the center of the court for men's competition, and 2.24 meters for women's competition (these heights are varied for veterans and junior competitions).

2-)Describe the score in volleyball: When the ball contacts the floor within the court boundaries or an error is made, the team that did not make the error is awarded a point, whether they served the ball or not. If the ball hits the line, the ball is counted as in. The team that won the point serves for the next point. If the team that won the point served in the previous point, the same player serves again. If the team that won the point did not serve the previous point, the players of the serving team rotate their position on the court in a clockwise manner. The game continues, with the first team to score 25 points by a two-point margin is awarded the set. Matches are best-of-five sets and the fifth set, if necessary, is usually played to 15 points. (Scoring differs between leagues, tournaments, and levels; high schools sometimes play best-of-three to 25

3-) Two actions you can do: You can touch the ball with any part of the body, and the team can make three touches maximum before the ball passes to the other side.

4-) two actions you cannot do: take or hold the ball while is in play, and to vary the order of the rotation while the duration of the set

5-) The logical order of playing: The three basic touches/passes to avoid the ball touches the ground of the field itself and pass to the opposite field are: • Reception / Defense: The first touch is normally used forearm pass, although you can use the finger pass. • Set up: The second touch/pass and the setter usually performed by fingers pass, but if necessary can also use the forearm pass.• Smash: normally carried out by players who are in a forward position, although it can make it by players who are always behind them if they do.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016